Thursday, December 14, 2017

Where the Butterfly wanders.... Yes, Organic Boutique

I know it's been a while, but.... I'm baaaaaAAAaaack!
 There is just SO much to write and muse about these days, I am committed to sharing and caring and allowing this part of me, the "would be journalist" to flourish and become a part of my creative outlet.
Something I have decided to do, is to live feed tours through some of my favorite locally owned businesses.
The first stop on my Butterfly crawl was Yes, Organic Boutique on Lomas. 
Take a look!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Deadhead girl misses summer tour pt II

As concert season heats up, I had my heart set on many shows.  As I do every year, I see the different acts coming to my city and surrounding areas, and mark on my calendar, all the ones I think i'd like to see, knowing full well I may only make a few, but, hopeful just the same. 
With the newest cycle of Grateful Dead, one of my most favorite bands of all time, I, like most Deadheads, start mapping out how to "do tour".  I "got on the bus many years ago, and never looked back.  Yes, I love and adore many other bands and genres of music, but, The Grateful Dead, and all post manifestations of these musical gods have long been so very near and dear to my heart.
I was unable to attend Far Thee Well 2 summers ago, but, as soon as John Meyer joined up and Dead and Company came to be, I knew I'd be heading out to see them at some point. 
I was in the midst of a very long and heartbreaking break up, but the man i was involved with got 2 tickets to see Dead and Co. in Vegas just after Thanksgiving, and took me with him.  That was seriously one of the best weekends of my life. 
Last summer, at the very last minute, I changed plans to travel to AZ for an annual event, to head to Boulder with some girlfriends for Dead and Company.  I'm so very glad I did!  i had SUCH an amazing experience! I bought a ticket from a friend for the first night, but, didn't have one yet for the 2nd show, even up to the time my friends were headed in.  I was on a tight budget, and figured that I'd be happy having seen at least one night.  Well, guess what??? THIS GIRL WAS MIRACLED!!!!
Yep, some kind strangers stuck a ticket through the fence saying "Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas! We love you!"  I was ECSTATIC!!!  i found my friends and got to have one more night of the music, and of shaking my bones!  WOW!  Seriously.... NEVER MISS A SUNDAY SHOW!!!
The boys played one hell of a show that night!!!!
I really try to go to any local or traveling Grateful Dead cover bands as possible, as well as just live shows in general.  I have a wide range of likes and faves, so, if and when I can, I will always opt to "buy the ticket"~
Just this past March, I met my best friend in Vegas and we got to see John Mayer live!  I had only seen him with Dead and Company, but have always been a fan.  This was a treat!  Our tickets were pretty much "nose bleed", but, we pretended to be 20 again, and made several attempts at getting closer.  They all failed and we ended up enjoying the show from our very far away seats.  The sound there at T-Mobile stadium was phenomenal, and we really did end up having a wonderful time!

Fast forward to this summer. 
I had planned on going to a few of the closer shows.  I really wanted to go to Vegas for the tour opener, and then quickly down to Phx where i knew tons of my AZ Deadhead friends would be, having lived in N. AZ for many years.  Well, i was in a relationship that had become serious, and we had decided to move in together.  It just so happened that we had a June 1st move in date and I had a whole apartment to pack up.  I put my big girl panties on, and sucked it up.  I figured I'd be able to get to, hopefully Boulder...
I was somewhat heart hurt and yes, I did cry a few times, but, I really enjoyed seeing all of the FB posts and live feeds form folks i knew at the shows. 
Well, unfortunately, things with that man did not work out, and after what one could only perhaps call, "unfortunate circumstances", we have broken up and i have been left basically "homeless and carless", due to the fact that although we were both on the lease, he had paid for the initial move in, and when my old pathfinder finally took a dump a few months ago, he bought me my older Volvo wagon, which I LOVED!  So.... yes, my 16 year old and I are living our of bags, staying with friends and in hotels, etc for now.  My 8 year old is with his dad until I find a safe and secure home. 
Needless to say, I will not be in Boulder this weekend.  Now, I'm an artist, and i have a full time job, so, it's not like I'm standing on a street corner.  I am just trying to pick up the pieces is all. 
I am sad again to be missing another show, but will be listening to the live stream and dancing it up with all of the Deadheads in Colorado! 
Next Saturday, I turn 45!  There was talk between the now ex boyfriend and I of heading to the Boston show.... UGH! Maybe a listening party somewhere instead? 
~Hey! If you're at any of the shows this summer, shake your bones for me, will ya???~

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Deadhead girl: Summer tour missed

As I sit at my desk on the Tuesday after Memorial day, I can't help but feeling a little blue.  This past weekend, Dead and Company began their summer tour.  I had planned on going to both shows, and making it a bit of a whirlwind weekend, and then, due to time and money and other things, I decided to cut out Vegas, and opted for just the Phoenix show.  I live in Albuquerque, but spent several years in Prescott, AZ and I knew several people going.  Plus, my 18 year old is living in Prescott and i wanted to take him.  Well, as life does, circumstances changed.  My fiancé and I have been house hunting, and found just the right place at just the right price.  Well, this meant that my weekend was going to need to be spent packing for the move, and our travel money was going on moving expenses, etc....

I had friends at both shows that i was excited to see, and of course, most of them did some sort of live stream, or pics, or snapchat of the shows, so I was privy to their experiences.  The thing is, i have not been able to listen to them at all since I had to change my plans.  It makes my heart hurt.
The memories of summers past, Grateful Dead, Further, Phil Lesh and friends, The Dead and last summer, Dead and Company, made me ache for a little taste.
I wanted to be on Dead Lot, selling my handmade wares out of the back of my car, and enjoy the day with friends, then head in to the show and boogie my toosh off for a few hours.  This makes my heart happy.  Alas...  I am finally sitting here listening to the stream from the Phx show, and just enjoying the ride while I finish up my day at work.  I work for a large hotel chain, in the sales office, so, my week is "ho-hum 9-5"
I am hoping to catch at least one show this season, and as I've seen that places like Portland or New Orleans are not on the list of concerts, I am crossing my fingers for a late summer/fall tour after Johnny boy finishes his solo tour.  Oh, ya know....  Albuquerque would be a GREAT place to play, guys!!! Johnny will be here in July, he can tell all the good things about our fine city and it's music lovers! (I'll be there, Johnny!!! Look for me! )
So.....  As I get ready to finish my work day, and go home to pack, I am allowing my sore heart to mend and hoping that perhaps, my fiancé will surprise me with tickets to the Boston show which is on my birthday! My 45th to be exact.. come on...  it's a big one and that's what I want!!! 
Thanks for letting my whine!
"She had rings on her fingers and bells on her shoes,
And I knew without askin' she was into the blues."

Thursday, April 6, 2017

The FAB Five

Once upon a time, in 1983, a Duranie was born.
I was 11 years old, and went to Catholic school, along with my best friend, Cynthia.
We lived in a small town off of Route 66, in New Mexico. 
Cyn had this older cousin in Phoenix who we both thought was seriously, "the cat's pajamas" (Is that still a saying?)
She had been in town for a visit and introduced Cyn to her new favorite band.  The album 7 and the Ragged Tiger had just come out, and was creating a frenzy amongst teenage girls everywhere.  We may have just been preteens, but, living in a boring little town, going to Catholic school, we needed something to stir us up!
I had really liked them in the past.  Rio and Hungry like the Wolf were faves of mine.  I had also recently discovered David Bowie and, well, being 11, almost 12, it was the dawn of sexual awaking, and these boys...errr, ummm, men, were going to be just the men to do it.  I don't mean actually, physically having sex with them, but, just realizing that my I was growing out of childhood and that I had certain feelings blossoming.  Yes, men in eyeliner we my first real crushes! 
That school year, 6th grade, with my only view to the outside world being my tv, my best friend and I spent many, many, many a weekend, sleep over night staying up till all hours, drinking soda and coffee to stay awake, waiting to see a Duran Duran video!  You see kids, in the 80s, we couldn't just pull up anything we wanted to see on YouTube.  So, between Mtv, (yes, they actually played videos then!!!), Night Flight and Night Tracks, we would flip from channel to channel until we heard the unmistakable sound of the beginning of a Duran Duran song.  We enjoyed the other music as well, we loved Bowie, of course, ummm... Culture Club, ABC, Thompson Twins, etc...
We suffered through Van Halen, and Twisted  Sister once in a while and fell in love with those girls, like Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, and Pat Benatar. 
When Duran Duran would finally come on, we would be GIDDY!  Screaming, sometimes even crying!  Yep, just 3 minutes of those boys on the screen was like an orgasm to these two little 11 year olds.  I remember after the premiere of Union of the Snake, and realizing then that I was going to marry Nick Rhodes, I was shaking and my heart was pounding!  These 5 boys from Birmingham, England had done something to me.  It was irreversible!
Cyn and I had to collect everything we could on this band!  We saved up babysitting money and purchased cassettes, we would buy every 16, Tiger Beat and Smash Hits magazine that came out.  We had buttons and t-shirts and stickers....
The walls of my bedroom were wallpapered with images of these 5 brits! 
Living in small town New Mexico, I never got the chance to see them live back in day.  Back in '02, they actually came to Albuquerque, and played a very small venue downtown.  An old theater called The Kimo.  My dear friend and fellow Duranie, Thea, got us tickets to the show.  I had 2 small kids at the time, and had just moved to a small town in AZ, but had planned on traveling back for the show.  Unfortunately, my kids and I ended up with one of the worst stomach flues I remember having.  There was going to be no traveling back to NM, and no Duran Duran concert.  My friend gave my ticket to her sister.  The night of that show, I cried and cried and cried.
Last year, with the release of Paper Gods, they went back on tour!  The same friend i would have seen them with in '02 said "WE HAVE TO GO"... so we did!
They played in Phoenix in late summer, so we made the trip from Albuquerque.  Finally, at 44 years old, I go to see my beloved Duran Duran!!!  Thea and I sang every word to every song, and danced and screamed and even cried, just as I thought I always would if I ever got to see them live.  It was one of the best shows of my life, and believe me, I have been to my share of concerts! 
The only disappointment was the Nick was not there.  He had been called back to England for a spell.
Fast forward to this coming weekend.  My boyfriend is taking me to Atlanta to see the boys!  He knows how much I love them, and he got us tickets! This time, I actually get to see Nick! I am super excited!
I decided to look through my storage and dig out my Duran Duran memorbilia.  Yep, I STILL have it!  i have a bin filled with folders of pictures and posters!  Why do I still have it?  Because.... DURAN DURAN!!!!
I laid it all out yesterday and took a few pics... 
It really would be my dream to be able to meet the boys!  Just a hug and a hello from one of their forever fans!

Thank you for viewing! 
Remember to Follow Your Bliss...
Madeline Mariposa!

When in the Big Easy

Anyone who knows me, knows my affinity for New Orleans.  The old, haunted feeling of it, the music, the food, the art... really, it's a place that has always called to me. 
It had been several years since my last visit, so, when my boyfriend and I started talking about going, I was ecstatic!
We first went last month for Mardis Gras, and that, in and of itself is a story!  We had so much fun, we decided to go back just a month later.  As it turned out, my fella's favorite band was playing at House of Blues, and he really wanted to see them live again.  So, after a crazy couple of weeks at work, and the emotional stress of watching my oldest son move to another state, we decided it would be great to make the trip again.
This was a short trip, arriving friday afternoon, leaving sunday morning, so, it was all about just enjoying it, no stress, no plans (except the concert).

I want to first give props to my flight attendant on our Delta flight from Atlanta to New Orleans.  We left Albuquerque at 6:00 AM, so I hadn't eaten.  The flight from ABQ to Atlanta was bumpy and we were in the back windows. The folks in front of us and around us all had the shades down on their windows, so it was dark and the turbulence without being able to see out, was making me feel sick.  We had to run to our adjoining flight, so, there was no time to grab a bite at the airport.  When we got on the connecting flight, my boyfriend told the flight attendant that I hadn't eaten and was feeling really nauseous.  5 minutes later, she comes up to me with ginerale, Sunchips, a couple granola bars and bananas.  She was smiling and sweet.  I didn't get her name, I wish I would have.  She was great.
After landing and checking into our AirBnB on Frenchman, we ventured out for lunch.  Our host told us about a place called Horns.

The menu was full of New Orleans style fare, and we were so hungry we had a hard time choosing.  I ended up deciding on the catfish with spinach and grits.  My boyfriend had a pulled pork po'boy, I believe.  The atmosphere there was casual and local.  Artsy and fun décor and what seemed to be original wooden floors and walls.  The bar was made of wood and seemed to have an oldness about it too.  The salt and pepper shakers were kitchie and adorable.  The staff was pleasant for the most part.  We had originally had one waitress who gave us menus and took our drink order, but then seemed to forget about us.  Another waitress saw me looking around and took pity on us.  She came by and took our order and was, from that point on, very attentive and sweet.  The food was good!  It was just what we needed!

We had the concert to go to later, so we took a little walk through the neighborhood and then headed to our room for a little nap.
Our AirBnB was on Frenchmen Street in the Marigny.  My favorite area of NOLA.  The house was about 100 years old, and the owner had put new appliances in and done other work to make it livable after having sat abandoned for over 20 years.  He lived upstairs and rented out the 3 bedrooms on the main floor. 

The concert that evening was at The House of Blues.

Having been to New Orleans several times before, this is one place I just never visited.  So, we took the bus down to the area in the French Quarter where House of Blues is located.  Now, although I LOVE New Orleans, I'm not a big fan of Bourbon street or the crazy, tourist filled areas.  I go to NOLA for the music, the food, and the feeling in the air.  HoB is located on Decatur and although not as crazy as Bourbon, does tend to be close to where the tourists like to go.  While walking to the venue, I spotted gorgeous vintage dress outside of a shop.  DETOUR! 
SWOON!!!  I found a shop called Dollz and Dames.
The House of Blues seems like it would be nothing but a tourist trap, at least that's how I feel about places like this.  Famous, opened and owned by a famous person, several around the country....  I would not have even gone there, had the concert not been there, actually.  I admit now though, that I was pleasantly surprised.  The atmosphere, albeit, kitchy, was fun and full of smiling faces. We sat outside, and had a few Old Fashions, (our favorite drink) and while my boyfriend tok advantage of the crawfish boil, I had a veggie flatbread off the menu.  It was filling, the drinks were good and the service was friendly.  What my favorite part of dinner was though, was the band on the outside stage.  Whoooo Weeee... I don't know who they were, but those boys could play some blues!!!!  WOW!  Here they are, if you recognize them, let me know so I can tag them!  Thanks!
The reason for the trip was to see Matisyahu, who happens to be my boyfriend's FAVE band/performer/artist.... 
We went into the music hall and started to look for a place to set our drinks and hang.  We made our way upstairs and saw that the best seats were roped off, VIP.  Well, as he does, my fella found the maitre'd and got us into the VIP section.  This also got us access to the Foundation Room.  What a treat!  We walked in and the house band was super fun, and the atmosphere was "loungey" and sexy.  We of course had more drinks and talked and enjoyed the music.... oh, and a little secret that's not quite out of the bag yet.... we got engaged!
Ok...  That's another story entirely!
So...  Matisyahu was amazing!  We danced our butts off!  What a fun night!
We tried walking home, but, had been drinking, stopped for nachos and got turned around! lol!  We called an Uber... thank goodness for Uber late at night, right?
Saturday was our one full day in town this time.  We started our morning off at what we now consider our favorite breakfast place while in New Orleans.
We had eaten there while in town for Mardi Gras and staying at an AirBnB in the Marigny.  Our AirBnB this time was on Frenchman street, and not far at all from this wonderful little, neighborhood café.   

OMG, we had a Pan au Chocolate and a sweet roll and grabbed some sort of strawberry/custard filled slice of yumminess for later.  This was all before the main entrée of spinach and Portobello omelet.  We sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful spring morning. 
I do love walking through the Marigny.  The beautifully colored homes and the art in and around the neighborhood makes my heart happy.
The afternoon was somewhat rainy, and we spent the day just strolling through the French Quarter, walking in and out of some of the shops we love and a few we hadn't yet seen. I love Royal street for this, but there are sweet shops and galleries everywhere you look.
We ended up going into an antique gun and sword shop, where I had a pretty intense paranormal experience, which i'll save for another time.
During the rainiest part of the afternoon, we dipped into this little corner bar for a drink and some snacks.
We enjoyed a little Jameson on the rocks, along with their crab and corn bisque, and crawfish bread.  the atmosphere was a little posh, mixed with European tavern, meets French Quarter loveliness.  Our server, was very professional, and the food was lovely!
That evening, we had plans to hit a friend's art show in the warehouse district.  After a bit of time at our AirBnB, chillin' on the porch with a few of the other guests, we got ready and walked to the bus stop, to catch a bus to the street car and head from the Marigny to the Warehouse District.  By the way, getting around on public transit is pretty easy in the Crescent City.
Later in the day, we were on Frenchman street, and had a sweet tooth.  We popped in to The Praline Connection for a sweet treat.
We ordered sweet potato pie, coffee, Bailey's Irish cream, and something called a "shoe sole".  The best way to explain this is that it's like the best part of the sweet roll, smashed down, and made crispy on the outside by warming it.  My mouth is watering just thinking about it! 
So, we figured we would eat somewhere in that area.  My fella, being the foodie that he is, has been dying to take me to a fine dining establishment, and we just happened to be near Emeril's.  I wasn't too hip on the idea.  I didn't like the idea of being around uppity people and having to put on some sort persona that didn't agree with who I am.  Well, I finally agreed to at least see if we could get in.  I was dressed up, but for an art show, not a 5 star meal.  The host told us that we needed reservations, but, then looked up and saw an empty table in the bar.  They serve the full menu there, so, we went ahead and sat down. 
Waiter places napkin on lap.
Waiter has assistant.
Assistant never lets water get very low.
Appetizer: Greens = very tasty.
Meal: Salmon = bursting with flavors and melts in your mouth.
Dessert: Chocolate torte, along with espresso and a glass of lemoncello = WOW!!!
Ok, so, maybe fine dining like that is a sweet treat once in a while.
After that amazing meal, we made our way to our friend's art show.  Whew! Finally in my element!  The hippies and punkers and artists! Yay! The show was in a warehouse that had been converted to a bar and music venue, called The Howlin' Wolf.
We looked around at all of the vendors, and came across my friend and her fella.  She makes art and jewelry out of toys.  I met her when I was in NOLA during Mardi Gras and we became fast friends, we knew we were kindred spirits.
We made our way back toward Frenchman street, for more art and music.  We tried to get into The Spotted Cat, but it was packed that night!  I love that place, and obviously, so does everyone else!
There is a little open air art market right next to it though that I've enjoyed on our trips there.  As always, I picked up a few odds and ends from local artists.
After a lovely evening of food and art and music, we headed back to our AirBnB, where the host and other guests were all enjoying the lovely evening.  After a bit, we realized that we had had an early dinner and were hungry.  Our host told us about a little place called Fry and Pie a few blocks away.
We made our way there for one last meal in New Orleans.  We got a little chocolate pie made with Guiness and the fries topped with cheese, and egg and bacon.  It was perfect for that 1:00 AM snack.  Fry and Pie is located behind the Hi Lo Lounge. What a perfect idea.  Late night fries and pies near a popular bar area!  Well, we sure enjoyed it!
So, all in all, food, drinks, music and art.... another great weekend in NOLA with my sweetie!
Can't wait to go back! 
(oh, remember the part about us getting engaged?  We are planning on getting married there during Mardis Gras next year!)
Here are just a few more pics I took from the trip.

Thank you for viewing! 
Don't forget to
Follow Your Bliss

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

From Boy to Man: a few words of advice from mom.

Last night, my oldest child, my 18 year old son told me that he has decided to move out, and go live with his best friend in the next state over.  This didn't necessarily come as a surprise, because it had been in discussion, but, the fact that he has set a date, and made a plan, well, it just created the reality that my baby, my first born is ready to fly the coop.  
Yes, i know this happens...i didn't expect him to live with me forever, but...  i still can't help feeling sad and a little heart broken.  At the same time though, i am proud of him for taking initiative and making the plans necessary. He is only moving about 6 hours away, and he has a house and a job waiting for him.  He also said that this would be a stepping stone.  He would save up, come home for a bit, and then wants to move up to a state further away, but a place where my sister, his aunt lives, so will also have a place to stay, and hopefully a job at her pizza shop.  
As i wiped my teary eyes and cleared my throat, i told him that i am and always have been proud him and who he is.  I told him that all i've ever wanted for my kids was to make sure that they're happy and that i really, truly do want them to go out and create their own lives.  That i want them to have adventures and experiences, and that no matter what, he can always come home.  I also told him that i expect him to conduct himself with self respect and always be true to himself.  
After a long night of thinking about all of this, i came up with a few things i would like for my son to go away with. 
 So, son, as you begin a new chapter of your life, and enter into this new journey into manhood, here are a few words of advice from your mom:

*Conduct yourself with maturity and pride.
     You may have situations where someone may look at you and think that you don't know anything, or perhaps they are just being rude or think it's ok to belittle you.  You know who you are.  Always stand up for yourself, and always look people in the eyes when speaking to them.

*Help someone in need.
     You may be out on a hike and see someone with a flat tire on their mountain bike, or you see a little old lady struggling in a parking lot, step up, be the super hero of the story and HELP! 

*Be honest.
     I remember once when you were little, we were in line at our local Grower's Market and the man in front of us dropped a $20 bill.  You picked it up and looked at me, and i just looked at you and nodded.  You tapped on the gentleman's arm and let him know that he had dropped it.  He looked and you said, "why, no, young man, i think that belongs to you!"  You were elated.  Now that may not always happen, and you shouldn't do good deeds to get something in return, but, remember that in one way or another, one good turn deserves another, and that karma will always come back to you.

*Eat well.
     I know that most boys your age like to grab fast food, and stay up late eating Cheetos while playing video games.  I see you do it regularly.  I am asking that you take the time to actually eat fruits and veggies as often as possible.  Since i won't be there to make you teas and give you tinctures when your sick, like i normally do, please remember to keep yourself healthy with food.  Take your vitamins and keep some herbal teas handy for when your feeling under the weather.  (i'll tuck some in your travel bag)

*Be compassionate.  
    If there is anything that i hope you have learned from me as you were growing up, it is to show compassion for others. You may not have been born with a silver spoon, or over privileged, but no matter what our circumstances have been, both your father and I have always worked hard to find a way to make sure that your have the essentials; food, warmth, clothing... As you know, some people don't even have that.  In other words, there are many, many circumstance which could prompt someone to be acting a certain way.  Because of that, being aware and just being a nice human being is always appreciated.  You won't always know what someone else is experiencing, so, just act in a way that doesn't create more chaos, but rather, leave the situation better than it was. This may sound a lot like a few of the other rules on here already, but, they all work together really well when practiced, so, just practice them.

*Don't be a player.
     Ok, yes, we are going to talk about sex.  You are a young, handsome man who makes girls swoon.  believe me, i have been to enough grocery stores and restaurants with you to have seen this happen time and time again.  I also know that you know what it feels like to have your own heart played with.  There will be trysts and one night stands, of this i am sure.  Please, son.  Even when you know you are never going to see someone again, at least shoot her a text telling her that you enjoyed your evening and that she's beautiful.  Don't treat her like an object, and use your manners.  If you do meet someone who may strike your fancy and you want to get to know her, don't follow some dumb rule about waiting a few days.  Send her some flowers, or even a sweet text.  Let her know... but don't smother her.  Give her adequate space when she needs it.  

*Save money.
     This is, admittedly, something i myself have never been too good at.  For this reason, and the fact that you have seen me in times of struggle with no extra padding to fall back on, i hope that you are able to earn not only the money needed for you to get by, but for you to be able to put an adequate amount into savings every month. This way you have it in there.  You have that padding for when your car breaks down, or when your buddies say, "Hey, let's go to Cancun for spring break!"  Or for when you need some rest and need to get a plane ticket and come home for a bit.  I can not stress it enough.... SAVE MONEY!!!

*Be helpful
     This one differs from "Help someone in need" in that, this is about daily activities.  If you are at your own house, your friend's parent's house, your girlfriend's house, your mama's house (hint, hint), and you see dirty dishes, or a full trash can, take the initiative and do the chore.  It usually only takes a minute, and the person you just helped out will be ever so grateful that the load is off of their shoulders.  I promise.  You will shine like a shining star!

*Go to concerts and festivals!
     This may sound frivolous, but, you know what, son?  Live music and interacting with other people in the realm of your favorite performers can be such a sweet experience.   To dance and feel that music live is seriously one of the most amazing things in the world.  Then, to have those stories to take with you, to tell your friends, and one day, your own kids, that's priceless.

*Go into nature as often as possible.
     Wherever you may be, make sure to explore the woods, the lakes, the beaches.  In this world of go, go, go, and hustle and bustle...  taking time out to commune with nature is truly the best medicine there is.  Your whole life, you were raised around nature and appreciating the dirt and the rocks and the trees.  Never forgot your roots (no pun intended) and always remember the healing power of nature.

     I can NOT stress this one enough!  You have had this amazing, natural talent since you were just a wee lad!  That day, when you were, what, 4 or 5 and brought me that replica of your Yu Go Oh guy and i thought you traced it, until i saw that it was on card stock...  i have been amazed with your drawings!  Please don't let that die with adulthood.  Whether it's for fun, for relaxation, or you are able to make a career out of it, never, EVER stop making art!

*Never stop learning.
     Wherever you are, whatever your doing in life, keep on learning!  Learn how to fix your car, learn how to build stuff, learn how to make a cake.  Pick up a book, take a class, or ask a friend who knows how to do something you want to do.  Just keep learning.  The more skills you have in your bag, the better off you are in life.

*Be true to yourself...ALWAYS
     You have a strong sense of self to begin with, which is wonderful.  Keep that!  Let it grow! You know that intuition you have always had?  Use it!  If you are feeling a pull toward something, or away from something, go with that.  Trust your gut, and stay true to your dreams.  Like i like to say, "Follow your bliss", and don't ever let anyone tell you that who you are, or what you do is wrong.  You are YOU, you are the only person in your head, and who gets to live your life.  I know i am bias here, but, son, you are ONE FUCKING INCREDIBLE HUMAN BEING!!!!

*Lastly.....  CHECK IN!
     While you are going to be out there in the great big world, living your life, and becoming an adult, your mama will be here, worrying.  It's what i do.  Remember... when i don't here from you while we are in the same town, i think you're dead in a ditch!  Imagine what's going to be going through my mind while you are in different towns and states???  Just, please, do your old mama a favor and check in once in a while!  A quick text to say you're ok will do my heart so much good!  Oh, and if i text or call...  please respond in a timely manner!  

I know this seems like a lot, and some of it may seem redundant, but, these words are my gift to you. They are things i hope you always remember in your life.  More than anything, you are my first baby to leave the nest....  my heart hurts at the very thought, but, at the same time, i am super excited for your journey and what comes next.  Remember that you always have a home to come back to.
I love you dearly!
Be Safe!
Be Brave!
And ALWAYS be YOU!!!!
