Friday, October 16, 2015

Yoga For Weight Loss - Yoga Core Workout

A nice, easy core check in this morning.  I've been pretty unbalanced all week.  Needed a little something to bring it all back~

Monday, October 5, 2015

"Ms. Celie's Blues" (Sister) The Color Purple

Have you ever seen the movie "The Color Purple"?  Well, i have.  Many, many, many times.  It's not what one would call a feel good move, although, it does have a happy ending.  It's harsh.  It's raw.  And it's very real.  It was based on the award winning book of the same name, by the amazing Alice Walker.  The 1st chapter in the book itself starts the reader off on a whirlwind of emotions and then continues to be a page turner.  This movie, for me is one i like to just sit and watch maybe 2 or 3 times a year.  It touches me on such a deep level.  I feel like, in way, i was there.  There is something that tells me that perhaps, a in another lifetime, i was.  In this scene, Suge Avery, a sexy lounge singer, solidifies her undying friendship with the main character, Celie, by singing her this song.  (Suge is the long time over of Celie's abusive husband)
Be Brave
Be Honest
Be Kind

Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Painted Girls~Book Review

The Painted Girls
by Cathy Marie Buchanan

"A historical fiction based on a sculpture by Degas, this story was captivating in its ability to encapsulate the world of three lowly, underprivileged sisters in1880's Paris. As soon as I was introduced to Antoinette and Maire, a beautiful picture was already painted in my mind of the girls in their laced up ballerina slippers and tattered practice skirts. The coming of age, the sisterly love, the loss of innocence and the idea of a better life, kept me up nights wanting to know more and read on. Buchanan pulls together reality and imagination and weaves a tale of a tie past in a way that made me feel like I was walking the streets of Montmartre with every page."

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Autumnal Equinox 2015

Oh, Autumnal splendor, how i do love thee~
To me, there has always been a magical feeling to this time of year.
The days are still warm, but the mornings are crispy.  One begins to
smell fireplaces in the evening and the leaves begin to slowly change, until one morning, you wake up, and what was green is now completely covered in a new palette of yellows, oranges and browns.  The wonderful, open air, growers markets are now full of pumpkins and corn and the idea of a hayride with your sweetie sounds like a wonderful thing.  Now a days, everywhere you look, you see pumpkin spiced this and pumpkin spiced that... it can become a little too much, i think, but, nonetheless, the flavors are enticing and warm to the mouth and taste buds.  
 Here in the U.S., people equate fall with football, American football, that is.  Dallas Cowboys was my dad's team when i was a child, but, i'm not a sporto, so, i honestly couldn't care less about who's playing.  If ever i'm invited to a football party on a sunday afternoon, i usually go for the snacks! It's true! Chili con queso, dips, chips, something cheezy wrapped in dough... It's all pretty good.  Even for a healthy eater/vegatarian like myself.  (don't make fun)
I always like to find fun corn mazes and pumpkin patches to take the kids to. There, one can always find a local folk or bluegrass band playing their hearts out to a crowd of apple cider sipping families.
The weather is still warm, and there are sounds of kids laughing, and screaming in game area, and perhaps you might catch a glimpse of a young couple sharing a moment next the haystack. Yes, i find romance everywhere. It's both a blessing and a curse, believe me.
When my heart feels lonely and heavy like it does these days, the sight of romance stings a little, but, i see it and feel it, always.  Even if i only get to experience it in my head now, after ending a wonderful romance, i think i should be alright...ok, maybe not, but, it truly was good enough to last me a good long while.  (i think)
I mentioned yesterday that my musical taste begins to change around time of year.  Here's something on my playlist right now:
I Remember You
by: Eilen Jewell
I've been listening to her a lot in the past year, she's fantastic!  Just close your eyes, listen and enjoy.
So, i'm going to head out and do something to enjoy this first day of autumn~
Be kind
Be true
Be Brave

Mindfulness is Opening Up


Practice emptying our mind and listening.  

Morning Yoga - Yoga To Start Your Day!

Recently, i realized that i needed to do something to sort of "reboot" my life.  I knew that sleeping in, although it felt great at the moment, was not serving me at all.  I began to get up at 6 and search YouTube for a yoga practice.  I have found this yoga instructor, Adrienne, who has about 70 videos to choose from. She's cute and non pretentious, and even says silly things once in a while and laughs at herself.  I like her and her practice very much.
 This morning yoga video is a nice, gentle way to start you day, if that's the kind of morning you're having.  

Today is the first day of autumn.

Set your intentions for the day, for the season, for your life...



6 Hour Zen Meditation Music: Relaxing Music, Calming Music, Soothing Mus...

Good Morning, loves~

This is the meditation music i chose this morning....Breathe


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Guide to Natural House Keeping (Book Review)

***I reviewed this and posted it to my old blog: Hotsy Totsy Cafe, December, 2014***

I have to admit, I am somewhat addicted to this book right now.  I have gone through phases in my adult life where I have been really into making salves and tinctures and other herbal goodies.  I used to make all of my older children's baby products as well as give them as gifts.  I take so much pleasure in being a kitchen herbalist, it makes me happy.  So when I found this book, I was salivating.  There are recipes and ideas for everything from lemons dust cloths to composting and gardening to herbal beauty products.

Being someone who is very "earthy" and tries to be as "green" as possible, I always appreciate new and innovative ideas for ways to eliminate my own carbon foot print. 
Re-using jars and bottles for storage, and recycling items around the house to use in new ways is a passion of mine, so, to me, a book like this can quickly and easily become my household bible.
The author, Christina Strutt is the owner of an English fabric company called Cabbages and Roses, and her other books include Home-made Vintage and Vintage Crafts
I can't wait to make more lovely, earth friendly products from this book!!!

22 September 2015

This is it, the last day of summer as we know it, or, shall i say...knew it.  The days of laying in the sun, strappy dresses and garden parties give way to bonfires, harvest festivals and hoodies.
I always find myself noticing the darker shadows and the smells.  I say darker shadows, because as summer turns to fall, the evening comes earlier, so, i notice things becoming dark around dinner time as the weather chills, as opposed to after 8 pm and late night sangria with girlfriends.  My music playlists begin to change, and where i was listening to a lot more funky world beats, reggae and Grateful Dead, i find myself drawn to a slower tempo and eerie melodies.  I am drawn to darker colors, and will begin to pull on brown tights and boots with my favorite turquoise dress.

I dream more of baking, which i don't do often, but, i like to think that i'll maybe get to a good recipe or two.  I begin to think about what i want to do for Halloween and who i will feature on my Dia de los Muertes altar. 

Here's a song that came up on the playlist i mentioned before:
Lovesick Blues
by: Pokey LaFarge

I heard this on the soundtrack to Boardwalk Empire, a tv drama that takes place in 1920s New Jersey.  Great story, amazing costumes, fabulous music!
Autumn to me feels like a time of letting go.  Of small deaths of things we have held onto in vain, and no longer need.  The things that do not serve us any longer. For allowing time to mourn and go deep.  Deep enough to allow ourselves the chance to let it go, to place it somewhere safe, somewhere we can still visit, but not linger.  To place flowers upon it's headstone and create the proper memories surrounding whatever it was.
To savour it's rich emotions like you would a glass of red wine, or the first bite of a savory tart. We may weep, we may laugh, we may toast a glass in memory, but, we must remember to release and move on,  creating the space needed for the next part of our journey.
So, let us celebrate this last day of summer, and send out kisses on the wind~

Be kind
Be real
Be brave