Friday, June 9, 2017

Deadhead girl misses summer tour pt II

As concert season heats up, I had my heart set on many shows.  As I do every year, I see the different acts coming to my city and surrounding areas, and mark on my calendar, all the ones I think i'd like to see, knowing full well I may only make a few, but, hopeful just the same. 
With the newest cycle of Grateful Dead, one of my most favorite bands of all time, I, like most Deadheads, start mapping out how to "do tour".  I "got on the bus many years ago, and never looked back.  Yes, I love and adore many other bands and genres of music, but, The Grateful Dead, and all post manifestations of these musical gods have long been so very near and dear to my heart.
I was unable to attend Far Thee Well 2 summers ago, but, as soon as John Meyer joined up and Dead and Company came to be, I knew I'd be heading out to see them at some point. 
I was in the midst of a very long and heartbreaking break up, but the man i was involved with got 2 tickets to see Dead and Co. in Vegas just after Thanksgiving, and took me with him.  That was seriously one of the best weekends of my life. 
Last summer, at the very last minute, I changed plans to travel to AZ for an annual event, to head to Boulder with some girlfriends for Dead and Company.  I'm so very glad I did!  i had SUCH an amazing experience! I bought a ticket from a friend for the first night, but, didn't have one yet for the 2nd show, even up to the time my friends were headed in.  I was on a tight budget, and figured that I'd be happy having seen at least one night.  Well, guess what??? THIS GIRL WAS MIRACLED!!!!
Yep, some kind strangers stuck a ticket through the fence saying "Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas! We love you!"  I was ECSTATIC!!!  i found my friends and got to have one more night of the music, and of shaking my bones!  WOW!  Seriously.... NEVER MISS A SUNDAY SHOW!!!
The boys played one hell of a show that night!!!!
I really try to go to any local or traveling Grateful Dead cover bands as possible, as well as just live shows in general.  I have a wide range of likes and faves, so, if and when I can, I will always opt to "buy the ticket"~
Just this past March, I met my best friend in Vegas and we got to see John Mayer live!  I had only seen him with Dead and Company, but have always been a fan.  This was a treat!  Our tickets were pretty much "nose bleed", but, we pretended to be 20 again, and made several attempts at getting closer.  They all failed and we ended up enjoying the show from our very far away seats.  The sound there at T-Mobile stadium was phenomenal, and we really did end up having a wonderful time!

Fast forward to this summer. 
I had planned on going to a few of the closer shows.  I really wanted to go to Vegas for the tour opener, and then quickly down to Phx where i knew tons of my AZ Deadhead friends would be, having lived in N. AZ for many years.  Well, i was in a relationship that had become serious, and we had decided to move in together.  It just so happened that we had a June 1st move in date and I had a whole apartment to pack up.  I put my big girl panties on, and sucked it up.  I figured I'd be able to get to, hopefully Boulder...
I was somewhat heart hurt and yes, I did cry a few times, but, I really enjoyed seeing all of the FB posts and live feeds form folks i knew at the shows. 
Well, unfortunately, things with that man did not work out, and after what one could only perhaps call, "unfortunate circumstances", we have broken up and i have been left basically "homeless and carless", due to the fact that although we were both on the lease, he had paid for the initial move in, and when my old pathfinder finally took a dump a few months ago, he bought me my older Volvo wagon, which I LOVED!  So.... yes, my 16 year old and I are living our of bags, staying with friends and in hotels, etc for now.  My 8 year old is with his dad until I find a safe and secure home. 
Needless to say, I will not be in Boulder this weekend.  Now, I'm an artist, and i have a full time job, so, it's not like I'm standing on a street corner.  I am just trying to pick up the pieces is all. 
I am sad again to be missing another show, but will be listening to the live stream and dancing it up with all of the Deadheads in Colorado! 
Next Saturday, I turn 45!  There was talk between the now ex boyfriend and I of heading to the Boston show.... UGH! Maybe a listening party somewhere instead? 
~Hey! If you're at any of the shows this summer, shake your bones for me, will ya???~